Building a team in Mythic Heroes will mostly revolve around which heroes you’ll obtain while playing. However, the best teams will usually follow the same logic, you’ll just need to fill in the blanks.
Each team can have a maximum of five heroes. In general, the most optimal setup is:
- 1 Main DPS Carry.
- 1 Healer.
- 1 Tank.
- 1 Support.
- 1 DPS.
This is the recipe for a good team in Mythic Heroes. Rather than just listing a random bunch of teams, we’ll show you the best ingredients for that recipe instead.
Main Carry
A main carry DPS is the most important role of all, at least while all of your heroes are below level 300. It’s a pretty basic concept that’s used in most idle games.
All you have to do is over-level them as much as possible (40 levels is max) and also prioritize upgrading them first. This includes enhancing, as well as iconic weapon and divinity levels.
When you’ve maxed them out as far as you can, they should then “carry” you by killing all of the enemies by themselves. Thus the name.
The current best carries are:
Any of these heroes will do extremely well as a carry and all of them are top-tier DPS regardless.
Lesser used carries:
These heroes can work as a carry but aren’t utilized that much as one. If you don’t have other options, they can be a last resort.
At present, there are only 2 healers in the game. This makes choosing this role fairly easy.
The current best healers are:
They’re both very good healers. Idun is generally the best one to use during early and mid-game, especially once she reaches level 161+. However, Nagakayna is the best late-game healer, as her heals are percentage-based.
Tanks are there to divert damage away from the other heroes.
The current best tanks are:
Athena and Hades are both great tanks. Athene is defensive, and Hades is offensive-based. They’re probably both around the same when it comes to ratings, with Athene edging out slightly as the best tank for the campaign.
Gaia is one of those heroes that isn’t that good until she gets upgraded. In this case, the upgrade in question is her level 300 weapon skill. This makes her ultimate stun enemies for 1.5 seconds. Once she gets that, she is definitely very viable at late-game. It’s just if you really want to invest that much into her.
Other tanks:
You can certainly make Anubis and Hercules work as well, but they probably shouldn’t be your first choice.
Support heroes are generally just there to buff your main carry and the team. They can also disrupt and debuff enemies.
The current best supports are:
Nuwa is the best support overall. Her Pillars of the Sky skill will remove one enemy from the battlefield. At weapon level 400, the skill is always cast at the beginning of battles. This effectively makes every battle a 5v4 at the start. However, as she is a UR hero and isn’t available in the market, she can be quite hard to ascend.
Dionysus is the best hero for bosses due to his weapon reducing their defense, which increases their damage taken.
Other supports:
Joan of Arc can be good, especially when her weapon is upgraded.
Iset is untested, so I can’t really say much on that for now.
The last spot will be primarily filler. It could be a secondary carry or just the highest ascended DPS hero that you’ve got.
Best Derado Vault Team

This fight requires physical DPS.
The best main DPS to use are:
Support heroes should fill the last three spots:
Best Afreet Den Team

This boss requires Mage heroes.
The best DPS to use are:
These two spots can be switched around a bit. It really depends on which heroes you have and how upgraded they are. GM and Tamamo are generally the best though.
Support heroes should fill the last three spots:
Best Yggdrasil Well Team

This boss requires AoE DPS heroes.
The best DPS to use are:
Support heroes should fill the last two spots:
Best Pantheon Team

The Pantheon is all about dealing damage to the final boss, Cronus. The best heroes for this are ones that deal percentage damage.
The best DPS to use are:
The best Tank to use:
Support heroes should fill the last two spots:
Best Blade Wraith Team
Blade Wraith is the guild boss. There’s nothing exceptional required for him regarding the setup.
The best DPS to use are:
These spots can simply be your 2 strongest DPS carries, e.g. Lucifer.
Support heroes should fill the last three spots:
We wish you good luck in the boss fights in the game Mythic Heroes!