Enhancing and Ascension Heroes

In the game Mythic Heroes, there are many ways to strengthen your heroes. These include Ascending, Enhancing, Divinity, Divine Weapons, Artifacts and Runes. In this article we will talk about Ascending and Enhancing.

Enhancing Heroes in Mythic Heroes

Enhancing heroes requires using duplicate copies of SR heroes that belong to the same faction.

The amount of times a hero can be enhanced is tied to Divinity talents. The base-level cap is 10. The highest enhance level is currently 30.

Enhance levels can be reset, so don’t worry about investing in the wrong hero as it can always be reversed. Always make sure to use all of your SR fodder on enhancing the best heroes. Wondering which ones are good? Check out our Mythic Heroes Tier List guide.

When a hero is enhanced, their Health, Attack and Defense stats are slightly increased. This isn’t a huge upgrade, but it definitely all adds up at the higher enhance levels.


To enhance UR heroes, you need twice as many SR heroes.

In total, to improve the hero’s SSR you will need 270 SR heroes.
To enhance UR heroes – 540 SR heroes. Since the SR hero belongs to two factions at once, the improvement can be made by the feed heroes of both factions at once.

Ascension Heroes in Mythic Heroes

Ascension in Mythic Heroes is the process of upgrading characters with Hero Tokens, which are duplicate copies of the same hero. Upgrading them will unlock new skill levels, increase stats and also raise the maximum level that the hero can obtain.

The unique thing about this system compared to other idle games is that heroes can only be upgraded via copies of themselves. Therefore you can never make a mistake by upgrading the wrong hero because there’s only one choice to make.

It should be noted that regardless of the ascension level, heroes will always match the level of your 5th highest hero.

AscensionCopiesLevel Cap
Elite IBase Ascension120
Elite II1140
Elite III1160
Legendary I1180
Legendary II1200
Legendary III1220
Mythic I2240
Mythic II2260
Mythic III2280
Celestial I2300
Celestial II2300
Celestial III2300
Infinite I3300
Infinite II3300
Infinite III3300

For the maximum ascension of the hero you will need a total of 27 copies of the hero.

R and SR Heroes

These lower-tier heroes have their own ascension levels. SR heroes can be enhanced, but R heroes can’t.

It is advised to never actually upgrade these heroes, and keep the SR copies for enhancing SSR & UR heroes. Don’t worry if you do though, as their ascension levels can be reset and you’ll receive all of the copies back.


  • Rare I
  • Rare II
  • Rare III


  • Uncommon I
  • Uncommon II
  • Uncommon II

We hope this article was useful for you and you learned how to Enhancing and Ascension heroes in the game Mythic Heroes.

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