Cube of Truth

If you go to the Astrolabe of Truth, there is a cube-shaped icon at its lower left. The Cube of Truth Mythic Heroes is very important to strengthening all your heroes as well as improving the Astrolabe itself.

While the Cube’s bonuses might be tiny compared to what you see in a hero’s improvements, they directly affect all of your heroes. They all stack with one another so this is a slow but sure way to make your heroes stronger. How you gain these Cube Fragments is mainly through Achievements, but you can gain them through using the Astrolabe as well as participating in other in-game events.

Guide Cube of Truth Mythic Heroes

  1. Players can unlock Cube Talents and receive bonuses by collecting Cube Fragments.
  2. When a Cube Talent is unlocked, the connecting pieces activate and become available for unlocking.
  3. When one side of the Cube is fully unlocked, the Cube will flip to the next side, and the players then can proceed to unlock and level it up.
  4. When all 6 sides of a Cube are completed, the next Cube will be unlocked.
  5. Switch between the sides of a Cube and between Cubes to view unlocked Talent bonuses.


Just as the Astrolabe of Truth is a microcosm of the natural laws of the Universe, the Cubes of Truth are the geometric microcosm of the Astrolabe itself. Each cube unlocks a layer of its infinite power. There are 6 Cubes in total, representing the Sun, Moon, Stars, Dreams, Time, and Phantoms respectively. On each side of the cubes, there are many framed symbols. Each symbol holds an ancient spell, which grants more knowledge, wealth, and strength to whomever activates them. The only way to unlock these spells is by collecting Cube Fragments throughout the realm.


  • Cube 1 – 2 Сube Fragments to improve 1 talent
  • Cube 2 – 3 Сube Fragments to improve 1 talent
  • Cube 3 – 5 Сube Fragments to improve 1 talent
  • Cube 4 –8 Сube Fragments to improve 1 talent
Cube 1-1Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust +5%”
Dust Lvl 2 (60 Dust)
Knowledge Lvl 2 (140)
Gold Lvl 2 (650)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +40
Health +640
Def +40
Tank Health +2%
Fighter Health +2%
Cube 1-2EXP +5%
Dust +5%”
EXP Lvl 2 (1500)
Triple Pointer Lvl 2 (12)
Super Reward Lvl 2 (12)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Dodge +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +40
Health +768
Att +48
Mage Health +2%
Support Health +2%
Tank Att +2%
Cube 1-3Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Core Charging Lvl 2 (12)
Chain Lightning Lvl 2 (12)
+60 Mins
‘+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Acc +1%
Def +48
Att +48
Fighter Att +2%
Mage Att +2%
Support Att +2%
Cube 1-4Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust lvl 3 (70 Dust)
Knowledge lvl 3 (180)
Gold Lvl 3 (800)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +56
Health +896
Def +56
Tank Health +2%
Fighter Def +2%
Cube 1-5EXP +5%
Dust +5%”
EXP Lvl 3 (2000)
Diamond1 Lvl 2 (2~3)
Faith Lvl 2 (2~3)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Crit Chance +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +56
Health +1024
Att +64
Mage Def +2%
Support Def +2%
Tank “Fighter Resistance” (PR) +3%
Cube 1-6Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Diamond2 Lvl 2 (2~3)
Chest Fragment Lvl 2 (2~3)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Att +0.5%
Def +0.5%
CrD +2%
Def +64
Att +64
Fighter LS +3%
Mage Crit Chance +3%
Support Dodge +3%
Cube 2-1Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust +5%”
Dust Lvl 4 (80 Dust)
Knowledge Lvl 4 (240)
Gold Lvl 4 (1000)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Life +0.5% (Health?)
Att +100
Health +1600
Def +100
Tank Health +2%
Fighter Health +2%
Cube 2-2EXP +5%
Dust +5%”
EXP Lvl 4 (2800)
Triple Pointer Lvl 3 (14)
Super Reward Lvl 3 (14)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Dodge +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +100
Health +1920
Att +120
Mage Health +2%
Support Health +2%
Tank Att +2%
Cube 2-3Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Core Charging Lvl 3 (14)
Chain Lightning Lvl 3 (14)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5 (%?)
Acc +1%
Def +120
Att +120
Fighter Att +2%
Mage Att +2%
Support Att +2%
Cube 2-4Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust lvl 5 (90 Dust)
Knowledge lvl 5 (300)
Gold Lvl 5 (1200)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +140
Health +2240
Def +140
Tank Def +2%
Fighter Def +2%
Cube 2-5EXP +5%
Dust +5%”
EXP Lvl 5 (3600)
Diamond1 Lvl 3 (2~4)
Faith Lvl 3 (2~4)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Crit Chance +1%
Health +0.5 (%?)
Att +140
Health +2560
Att +160
Mage Def +2%
Support Def +2%
Tank “Mage Resistance” (MR) +3%
Cube 2-6Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Diamond2 Lvl 3 (2~4)
Chest Fragment Lvl 3 (2~4)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Att +0.5%
Def +0.5%
CrD +2%
Def +160
Att +160
Fighter Aspd +3%
Mage CrD +6%
Support Acc +3%
Cube 3-1Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust +5%”
Dust Lvl 6 (100 Dust)
Knowledge Lvl 6 (380)
Gold Lvl 6 (1450)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +250
Health +4000
Def +250
Tank Health +2%
Fighter Health +2%
Cube 3-2EXP +5%
Dust +5%”
EXP Lvl 6 (4700)
Triple Pointer Lvl 4 (16)
Super Reward Lvl 4 (16)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Dodge +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +250
Health +4800
Att +300
Mage Health +2%
Support Health +2%
Tank Att +2%
Cube 3-3Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Core Charging Lvl 6 (?)
Chain Lightning Lvl 6 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Acc +1%
Def +?
Att +?
Fighter Att +2%
Mage Att +2%
Support Att +2%
Cube 3-4Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust lvl 7 (?)
Knowledge lvl 7 (?)
Gold Lvl 7 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +?
Health +?
Def +?
Tank Health +2%
Fighter Def +2%
Cube 3-5EXP +5%
Dust +5%
EXP Lvl 7 (?)
Diamond1 Lvl 4 (?)
Faith Lvl 4 (?)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Crit Chance +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +?
Health +?
Def +?
Mage Def +2%
Support Def +2%
Tank “Fighter Resistance” (PR) +3%
Cube 3-6Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Diamond2 Lvl 4 (?)
Chest Fragment Lvl 4 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Att +0.5 (%?)
Def +0.5%
CrD +2%
Def +?
Att +?
Fighter LS +3%
Mage Crit Chance +3%
Support Dodge +3%
Cube 4-1Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust +5%
Dust Lvl 8 (?)
Knowledge Lvl 8 (?)
Gold Lvl 8 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +?
Health +?
Def +?
Tank Health +2%
Fighter Health +2%
Cube 4-2EXP +5%
Dust +5%
EXP Lvl 8 (?)
Triple Pointer Lvl 5 (?)
Super Reward Lvl 5 (?)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Dodge +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +?
Health +?
Att +?
Mage Health +2%
Support Health +2%
Tank Att +2%
Cube 4-3Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Core Charging Lvl 7 (?)
Chain Lightning Lvl 7 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Acc +1%
Def +?
Att +?
Fighter Att +2%
Mage Att +2%
Support Att +2%
Cube 4-4Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
Dust lvl 9 (?)
Knowledge lvl 9 (?)
Gold Lvl 9 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
Def +0.5%
Att +0.5%
Health +0.5%
Att +?
Health +?
Def +?
Tank Def +2%
Fighter Def +2%
Cube 4-5EXP +5%
Dust +5%
EXP Lvl 9 (?)
Diamond1 Lvl 5 (?)
Faith Lvl 5 (?)
+0.5% Spin Speed
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Crit Chance +1%
Health +0.5%
Att +?
Health +?
Att +?
Mage Def +2%
Support Def +2%
Tank Magical Resistance (MR) +3%
Cube 4-6Knowledge +5%
Gold +5%
EXP +5%
Diamond2 Lvl 5 (?)
Chest Fragment Lvl 5 (?)
+60 Mins
+0.5% Spin Speed
GOT Production Speed +5
Att +0.5%
Def +0.5%
CrD +2%
Def +?
Att +?
Fighter Aspd +3%
Mage CrD +6%
Support Acc +3%

Table author – Oberon

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