
The Mythic Heroes in-game Market displays its goods for 24 hours unless you’ve bought them out or refreshed it. It sells a variety of resources and sometimes you’ll never know what you’re gonna find so it’s absolutely a wise choice to visit this place once in a while. Occasionally, they also have sales for specific items.

If the items on display are not to your liking, refreshing the Market is possible. The first refresh is free, but the succeeding refreshes are funded with Diamonds at increasing prices. Do this wisely since Diamonds will be much harder to come by later on!

You will often get stacks of Gold, Experience, Stardust, and others but they might just be sitting in your inventory.

Marketplace Guide

  • Market priority are dustexpSSR/UR shards (or other bargains). There’s a 50 diamonds refresh daily that is worth using. Make sure to not spend too much of your gold as you’ll need it for upgrading. Except for the very beginning where it is not worth using gold to buy exp, if you have more than enough gold then you can do it.
  • Buying the above with diamonds is alright for quick advancement, as you hit walls frequently.
  • I recommend buying the Gold and Dust chests in the Guild section for 2.5k coins each as much as you can, and the Yasakani artifact when it appears. Many great heroes among mages and supps can use it.
  • In the Pantheon section, Buying the Dust in priority, then Faith and Divinity stones are good as you will eventually run out of these resources and they will appear rarely in the future. I also expect that main source for these items will be the shop in the later stages.
  • Buy the cubes that are at 10 coins in the Tribute section (refreshes daily).
  • If you can rush to chapter 14, unlock the Mastermind Arena, and increase your rank as much as possible, you’ll be able to gather a lot of arena points daily the same way Astrolabe does by piling them up and be able to collect at least 300 points/hour (if you improve quickly). 300/h arena points for a month is 216k arena points, which allows you to pick up an UR unit and still have extra.
  • recommend buying the UR unit in Arena section if you have good income for the points, and make sure to at least buy the cubes since the reset is on a monthly basis. The cubes play a very important part in the game and upgrading as much as possible is highly recommended as it scales exponentially. If you want to buy the scrolls you can, but they’re not that important.

General Market

ItemAmountPrice (Gold)Price (Diamonds)Unit price (Diamonds)
Faith240128 0002401
Lv1 Divinity24233 33336015
Lv2 Divinity20322 14350025
Lv3 Divinity10325 00050050
Lv4 Divinity12 90075
Lv5 Divinity10 1000100
UR Shard6 32053,33
SSR Shard6 24040
SR Shard30 1605,33
Summoning Scroll1 100100
Cube1 200200
Gears of Time40 2506,25
Flat Dust8800160 0001650,0188
Flat Exp530 000 2200,0004
Flat Gold100 000 1500,0015
10x Booster1 6060
30x Booster1 180180
100x Booster1   
Soulseal 120250 00040020
Soulseal 220625 000100050
Soulseal 310 1200120
Soulseal 4    
Lv4 Rune1 320320
Lv5 Rune1 960960
Lv6 Rune1 32403240
Lv7 Rune1   
Lv8 Rune1   
Lv4 Artifact1 800800
Lv5 Artifact1 24002400
Lv6 Artifact1 81008100
Lv7 Artifact1   
Lv8 Artifact1   

Other Shops

There are other shops in this game? Of course there are!

These shops allow you to spend different kinds of currency you earn from simply playing the game. Examples of these other shops are the Arena Shop, the Pantheon Shop, and the Guild Shop. When you have a sufficient amount of currency, pay these shops a visit and get what you need. The Arena Shop, in particular, even sells Hero Tokens, so take advantage of this when you’re trying to level up one of your heroes!

These are the ways you can actively gain resources. Along with the Astrolabe, there is also another way you can get all these passively.

Guild Market

(Guild Badge)
Unit price
(Guild Badge)
# of Diamond per 1 count of an Item
(Based on General)
# of Diamonds Per Badge
Gears of Time1003000306.250.208
1 SR Card60200033.335.330.16
Lv4 Rune1160016000
Lv4 Artifact1400040000

Pantheon Market

(Pantheon Badge)
Unit price
(Pantheon Badge)
Inherited Divinity1750075002
d1 stone161200755
d2 stone1215001255
d3 stone820002505
d4 stone62200366,675
d5 stone524004805
1 SSR6025000416,675

Arena Market

(Arena Badge)
Unit price
(Arena Badge)
Gears of Time503000605
Inherited Divinity140000400002
UR (Choice)602000003333,331
SSR (Choice)601000001666,671

Tribute Market

(Tribute Badge)
Unit price
(Tribute Badge)
SSR Shard601202
SR Shard60120,2
Inherited Divinity18080
Artifact Fragment100250,25
Rune Fragment100100,1

Prestige Market

(Prestige Badge)
Unit price
(Prestige Badge)
SSR Selector130000500
d1 stone20150075
d2 stone121500125
d3 stone61500250
d4 stone41500375
d5 stone31500500
Soulstone 1303000100
Soulstone 2123000250
Soulstone 353000600
Soulstone 4230001500
Lv4 Artifact140004000
Lv4 Rune116001600

Epic Showdown Chest

Unit price
SSR Shard210,5
SR Shard2010,05
Gears of Time1510,067
Artifact Fragment1510,067
Rune Fragment4010,025

Table authors – Oberon and Tasera

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