Oda Nobunaga


Oda Nobunaga Attributes



Demon Lord


When Oda’s Energy is filled, he summons the Demon Lord to assist in battle. The Ultimate’s required Energy will not immediately be deducted. Rather, the Demon Lord uses 50 Energy per second and reduces Oda’s Hit Energy Restoration and Attack Energy Restoration by 60%. Each time Oda uses an auto-attack or active skill, an additional 50 Energy will be deducted, and the Demon Lord will deal extra damage equal to 280% of Oda’s Attack (equally dispersed to all enemies, but each unit will receive a minimum of 140% Attack).
When the Demon Lord deals damage, the target will not gain Hit Energy Restoration, and when all of the Ultimate’s Energy is exhausted, the Demon Lord will disappear. The Demon Lord cannot be targeted.

Level 2 (Lv 61):

Increases damage dealt by Demon Lord to 320% of Attack; each enemy unit will receive a minimum of 160%

Level 3 (Lv 141):

Increases damage dealt by Demon Lord to 360% of Attack; each enemy unit will receive a minimum of 180%

Level 4 (Lv 221):

Increases damage dealt by Demon Lord to 400% of Attack; each enemy unit will receive a minimum of 200%

Sword Qi


Oda Nobunaga projects a wave of energy in front of him, dealing 200% of his Attack and frightening hit enemies for 3s.
If this skill is used while the Demon Lord is present, all enemy units will be frightened for 3s.
[Frighten]: Causes the enemy to retreat from the battle.

Level 2 (Lv 81):

Increases the damage dealt to 220% of Attack

Level 3 (Lv 161):

Increases the damage dealt to 240% of Attack

Level 4 (Lv 241):

Increases the damage dealt to 260% of Attack

Sakura Blade


Oda Nobunaga slashes his current target 2x, each dealing damage equal to 8% of the target’s current Health as True Damage.
Additionally, this skill increases Oda’s Parry by 30% for 8s.
If this skill is used while the Demon Lord is present, the demon deals its extra damage 2x.

Level 2 (Lv 101):

For each ally or enemy unit on the battlefield, Oda’s Parry is increased by an additional 2%

Level 3 (Lv 181):

For each ally or enemy unit on the battlefield, Oda’s Parry is increased by an additional 3%

Level 4 (Lv 261):

Increases the damage from each slash to 10% of the target’s current Health

Destructive Rhythm


After every 2 auto-attacks dealt by Oda Nobunaga, his next auto-attack will deal 220% of his Attack and steal 40% of the target’s base Defense for himself. The same target can only have their Defense stolen once, lasting until the end of the battle (this effect cannot be dispersed).
If this skill is used while the Demon Lord is present, the demon deals his extra damage total to each enemy (not dispersed amongst them).

Level 2 (Lv 121):

Increases damage dealt to 240% of Attack

Level 3 (Lv 201):

Increases target’s Defense stolen to 50%

Level 4 (Lv 281):

Increases damage dealt to 260% of Attack




Carry, Fighter, Physical DD


Known as one of the Three Great Unifiers, Oda is renowned as a fierce combatant and master tactician… He describes himself as the “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven” and can summon a terrifying phantom during battle to amplify all the damage that he inflicts!

Oda Nobunaga deals pretty good amount of damage. He is good at PvP. The key feature of him is Frighten ability, it makes enemies run away.  This Hero is also a great Carry. He deals damage, choose him for Bosses and PvP. 

Weapon skill – Daihannya Nagamitsu.
After the “Destructive Rhythm” is used to steal the enemy’s Defense, Oda’s damage increases by 6%. This effect can add up to 5x. (Unlock 100)
After the “Destructive Rhythm” is used to steal the enemy’s Defense, Oda’s damage increases by 8%. Each effect. (Unlock 200)
After the “Destructive Rhythm” is used to steal the enemy’s Defense, Oda’s damage increases by 10%. Each effect. (Unlock 300)
If the “Sword Qi” frightens at least 2 enemy units, the skill’s cooldown will decrease by 50%. (Unlock 400)

Team build: Faust, Freyja, Odin, Susanoo.

Divinity skills: Primeval Death Waiver, Primeval Primal Totem, Psyche Torment, Devoid Excitement, Psyche Collective Fervor.


Early (1-15)

Mid (16-25)

Late (26+)





Born in the Owari Province, Oda Nobunaga was a highly intelligent and passionate young man. Although he was seen as somewhat peculiar to some, his unique characteristics were perhaps the mere earmarks of his exceptionalism… One peculiarity was that he had a borderline obsession with the high-quality wares of artisans and collected some of the most exceptional weapons and tea utensils from throughout the region. He also loved the zen-like experience of tea ceremonies to improve his well-being and affirmed his alliances through them in his later years.

Alliances were only one aspect which made him a successful leader though… In the Battle of Okehazama, he demonstrated his ability to strategize and overcome a 10-to-1 troop disadvantage. While his opponent led a massive army to attack him, he met them with a surprise offensive. Using the cover of some extreme weather, Oda Nobunaga’s troops ransacked their camp and took out their general quickly. With their leader gone, the large army surrendered, and amongst those who surrendered was a 19-year-old, eventually named Tokugawa Ieyasu (the first Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate). Ieyasu then swore his allegiance to the Oda Clan.

During the Battle of Nagashino, he showed his pragmatic thinking. Recently muskets (arquebuses) had been more commonly used in the battlefields, and Oda Nobunaga quickly built a 3000-strong artillery. The reload time for these weapons was slow, so his troops practiced a three-line formation. With this technique, a near-continuous fire rate could be attained; as one group fired, the other two groups would finish their reloading or aim the next volley. This technique was one critical aspect of his successful offensive during this battle.

It was during the Battle of Anegawa where Oda Nobunaga showed how valuable good allies could be. During the conflict, the two sides met in water and fought in a quagmire of chaos. After their vanguard troops suffered heavy losses, two divisions – one led by a now matured Tokugawa leyasu – cut in from the flanks. This combined with longrifle fire that rained down upon the opposing troops trudging through the shallow water… This battle defeated two key rivals and cemented Oda Nobunaga’s name as a formidable adversary.

Oda Nobunaga also showed acumen beyond his military success; he led the construction of Azuchi Castle and implemented the policies of Rakuichi-rakuza (free markets and open guilds) there. The region around Azuchi prospered, and his citizens listened intently to him. This was partially because of his abilities, but was also undoubtedly because of his talent to inspire fear. He was known to some as the “demon king.” He even called himself the “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven” which was only a slightly dampened version, meaning he viewed himself more as a noble demon.

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