Fan Art Contest (February 2022)

Draw what your favorite Mythic Heroes character would look like if they SWITCHED FACTIONS! You get to choose the new Faction for the Hero, so sharpen your pencils and open your favorite art apps! Post your Mythic Heroes Fan artwork with the hashtags #MHfactionchange to participate.

Rewards: 10 x 3000 Diamonds Everyone x 1000 Diamonds

If you don’t wish to participate, remember to search the #MHfactionchange hashtag and show some support to your fellow Summoners during the event!

Contest Rules:

  • Your drawings and pictures must be related to the contest theme: Draw a Mythic Heroes character if they changed Faction.
  • Publish your contest pictures on Instagram using the #MHfactionchange hashtag!
  • Tag the official Mythic Heroes Instagram account on your contest pictures.
  • By taking part in the contest, you agree that we can publish your contest pictures on our official social media accounts.
  • Provide your in-game name, IGGID, and server number in your post!
  • The work must be original content by the author, and it is strictly forbidden to steal artwork or plagiarize.
  • Stick Figures will not qualify for rewards (you have to put in at least a little bit of effort!)
  • We will announce the contest winners and send out their rewards within 10 working days after the event has ended. The announcement will be published on our Social pages and Discord and we will post the winning pictures on Instagram.
  • Deadline: February 26th UTC 00:00 Submission date – Voting: March 1st UTC 00:00

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